Google Meet Guidelines

Above all, be respectful to each other.

1. Please when you log in turn off your microphones that way we can only hear one voice at a time.

2. Use your headphones.

3. Once we start the lesson I need you to please raise your hand to speak if I see you I will call your name so you or I can turn the microphone on and you can have a turn to speak. If I don't see you please type in on chat "question". I will call one by one according to the order I receive your messages.

4. Absolutely no one except me can turn off a microphone or exit a student out (quitar). If someone does not behave properly. I will inmediately record, take you out of the chat. Send a message to María to speak to your parents about your behavior. I hope I do not need to do any of these.

5. If you do not hear me there are three things you must do check volume, speaker on and if none work log off and back on.

Consejos para reuniones por medio de Google Meet

Respeta a los compañeros y al profesor.

Pide permiso para hablar y cede la palabra a compañeros y al profesor. Usa el chat.

1. Cuando entres en una clase de Google Meet, silencia el micrófono, habilitalo solamente cuando vayas a hablar.

2. Usa auriculares.

3. Once we start the lesson I need you to please raise your hand to speak if I see you I will call your name so you or I can turn the microphone on and you can have a turn to speak. If I don't see you please type in on chat "question". I will call one by one according to the order I receive your messages.

4. Absolutely no one except me can turn off a microphone or exit a student out (quitar). If someone does not behave properly. I will inmediately record, take you out of the chat. Send a message to María to speak to your parents about your behavior. I hope I do not need to do any of these.

5. If you do not hear me there are three things you must do check volume, speaker on and if none work log off and back on.